Current Fees
Annual Membership - Single/Junior £15.00
Annual Membership - Family/Double £20.00
Life Membership For Single Adult £300.00
Overseas Surcharge: +£0.00 for Electronic 'Pygmy Goat Notes' only. Please contact the Membership Secretary for the surcharge to cover postage costs.
Registration of New Herd Name £10.00
Herd Book Registration - Female £10.00
Herd Book Registration - Male £50.00
Pet Record - For Wether/Pet Female £2.00
Transfer of Ownership £5.00 or
Transfer of Ownership £100.00 for a PGC Herdbook Registered goat or a goat in the Pet Record of ANY age owned for less than 1 year. This doesn’t include the first time sale of a kid from its origin.
Duplicated Certificate £3.00
Service Certificates £1.50