25th September 2021
Judge: Mrs Dreda Randall
Class 49 Female Kid. 4 were entered, all present.
First Franklin’s Willowbrae Lola
Second Franklin’s Fleur
Third Brown’s Rosebank Evie
Class 50 Goatling. Four entered, 3 forward.
First Franklin’s Willowbrae Florence
Second Franklin’s Willowbrae Lily
Third Brown’s Rosebank Mercury
Class 51 Adult Female. Five entered and forward.
First Franklin’s Richmor Honeyelsa, also Best in Show
Second Franklin’s Larkfield Rosemary
Third Brown’s Rosebank Amber
Class 52 Veteran. One entered and forward.
First Brown’s Alvis Alice, also Reserve Best in Show.
Class 53 Wether/Pet over 1 year. Two present and forward.
First Franklin’s Willowbrae Domino
Second Brown’s Rosebank Misty.
Class 54 Dam & Progeny. One present and forward.
First Franklin’s Larkfield Rosemary
Best in Show Franklin’s Richmor Honeyelsa
Reserve Best in Show Brown’s Alvis Alice