Ipstones Show
Saturday 26th August 2023
Judge: Mr Ian Wight
JUNIOR HANDLER 11 - 16 YEARS OLD (2 entered, 2 present)
1st Scarlett Hotham
2nd Scarlett Tatton
2nd 1st
PET FEMALES/WETHERS AGED 8 WEEKS TO 1 YEAR (5 entered, 4 forward)
1st Reddawn Monster, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
2nd Reddawn Mash, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
3rd Bijou, Margery Mitchell
PET FEMALES/WETHERS 1-2 YEARS (3 entered, 3 forward)
1st Dreamers Wilbur, Tracey Cater and Paul Hemming
2nd Betty, Margery Mitchell
3rd Bobby, Margery Mitchell
PET FEMALES/WETHERS 2 YEARS AND OVER (10 entered, 7 forward)
1st Bubbles, Margery Mitchell
2nd Dreamers Nell, Tracey Cater and Paul Hemming
3rd Dreamers Nancy, Tracey Cater and Paul Hemming
FEMALE KID (10 entered, 10 forward)
1st Willowbrae Fenella, Clare and Ed Franklin
2nd Reddawn Mocha, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
3rd Reddawn Maple, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
GOATLING (7 entered, 7 forward)
1st Reddawn Log, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
2nd Willowbrae Lyric, Clare and Ed Franklin
3rd Reddawn Lottie, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
ADULT FEMALE CLASS A (7 entered, 7 forward)
1st Reddawn Jenga, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
2nd Dreamers Gogo, Tracey Cater and Paul Hemming
3rd Reddawn Inspire, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
ADULT FEMALE CLASS B (7 entered, 7 forward)
1st Moonshadow Margot, Margery Mitchell
2nd Reddawn Kosmo, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
3rd Willowbrae Fleur, Clare and Ed Franklin
1st Moonshadow Margot, Margery Mitchell
2nd Reddawn Jenga, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
3rd Dreamers Gogo, Tracey Cater and Paul Hemming
VETERAN FEMALE (5 entered, 5 forward)
1st Reddawn Flick, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
2nd Larkfield Rosemary, Clare and Ed Franklin
3rd Richmor Honeycharm, Nicola Johnson and Shawn Chadwick
3rd 2nd 1st
MALE KID (5 entered, 5 forward)
1st Reddawn Milo, Nicola Johnson and Shawn Chadwick
2nd Willowbrae Oakley, Clare and Ed Franklin
3rd Willowbrae Flint, Clare and Ed Franklin
BUCKLING (4 entered, 4 forward)
1st Reddawn Lennox, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
2nd Reddawn Leo, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
3rd Reddawn Luxor, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
ADULT MALE (8 entered, 8 forward)
1st Willowbrae Oscar, Clare and Ed Franklin
2nd Newhorizon Wallace, Nicola Johnson and Shawn Chadwick
3rd Willowbrae Fergus, Clare and Ed Franklin
SIRE AND PROGENY (3 entered, 3 forward)
1st Willowbrae Maverick, Dawn Abbott and Dan Hotham
2nd Willowbrae Oscar, Clare and Ed Franklin
3rd Moorsminis HoneyHugo, Samantha Reid
DAM AND PROGENY (5 entered, 5 forward)
1st Larkfield Rosemary, Clare and Ed Franklin
2nd Willowbrae Fleur, Clare and Ed Franklin
3rd Broomhouse Cherrypie, Nicola Johnson and Shawn Chadwick
BEST PET: Dreamers Wilbur
RESERVE BEST PET: Reddawn Monster
Reserve Best Pet Best Pet
BEST KID: Reddawn Milo
RESERVE BEST KID: Willowbrae Oakley
BEST FEMALE: Reddawn Log
BEST MALE: Willowbrae Oscar
RESERVE BEST MALE : Reddawn Lennox
BEST IN SHOW: Willowbrae Oscar