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AUTUMN EXHIBITION - Peterborough 12th October 2014

Judge: Peter Mercer

Female Kid A (8 entries, 8 forward)
1st Bilsdale Fern, A&S Scull
2nd Lanends Riven, B Evans
3rd Broomhouse Polly, B Sharp

Female Kids 1st,2nd & 3rd

Goatlings (6 entries, 5 forward)
1st Alvis Amelia, A&S Scull
2nd Yvonjean Isabella, M&CJ Brown
3rd Richmor Coco, Brown Family

IMG 1441
Goatlings 1st,2nd & 3rd

Adult Female (13 entries, 8 forward)
1st Rosebery Erin, B Sharp
2nd Windyridge Lilly, B Chapman
3rd Gemstone Carnelian, B Sharp

Pygmy goat show at Peterborough 3IMG 1443
Adult Female Class  (photograph by Adam Lancaster)                                             Adult Females 1st, 2nd & 3rd

Veteran Female
1st Windyridge Princess, Chapman Family
2nd Yvonjean Elsa, M&CJ Brown
3rd Windyridge Amy, B Chapman
IMG 1445
Veteran Female line-up
Male Kid (4 entries, 4 forward)
1st Millview Huey, S Glenn
2nd Broomhouse Romeo, B Sharp
3rd Stowey Tyrone, M Ashby

IMG 1448
Male Kids 1st,2nd & 3rd

Dam & Offspring (4  entries, 3 forward)
1st Yvonjean Elsa, M&CJ Brown
2nd Windyridge Princess, B Chapman
3rd Windyridge Briony, B Chapman


Novice Handler (5 entries, 5 forward)
1st Joseph Ashby
2nd Tony Brown
3rd Rees Brown
Novice Handlers
Wether  (3 entries, 3 forward)
1st Windyridge Woodruff Deborah Nunn
2nd Norris, M Ashby
3rd Commonlane Simba P & F Cook
Wethers 1st, 2nd & 3rd

Pet Female (2 entries, 2 forward)
1st Barley, P&F Cook
2nd Tonic P&F Cook

Pet Females 1st & 2nd
Pair of Goats (7 entries, 6 forward)
1st Rosebery Erin/Gemstone Carnelian, B Sharp
2nd    Windyridge Bryony/Woodruff  Deborah Nunn
3rd Druids Honeydew/Druids Jambul, Brown Family

1st Pair of Goats

Young Handler (4 entries, 4 forward)
1st Joseph Ashby
2nd Rees Brown
Joint 3rd Ebony Evans & Chloe Brown

Junior Handlers

Best Pet: Windyridge Woodruff
Res. B I S: Rosebery Erin
 B I S: Alvis Amelia

                                  Best-in-Show                         Reserve Best-in-Show