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Welcome to the official website of the Pygmy Goat Club of Great Britain. 

This is the main hub of information for anyone interested in the wonderful pygmy goat. Whether a pet keeper, breeder or exhibitor, this website aims to assist, educate and provide contact details for PGC officers and advisors. If you cannot find what you are looking for here, or have suggestions for improvements or additions please contact us - click here.

News & Announcements

About The Club

The PGC was formed in 1982 to protect the interests and improve the status of pygmy goats in Great Britain. Membership offers the opportunity to:

  • Obtain and exchange information via the quarterly magazine “Pygmy Goat Notes", the PGC website and social media forums
  • Register a herd name, enter qualifying goats in the Herd Book and non-qualifying goats in the Pet Record;
  • Attend PGC meetings and exhibit at shows.
  • Have a voice in the affairs of the PGC and take an active part in protecting and promoting pygmy goats in the United Kingdom. 

 PGC Code of Conduct

As a member of the Pygmy Goat Club, I agree:

  • To abide by the rules of the Club.
  • To always behave ethically and present a positive image of the Club.
  • To consider the welfare of my goats and the best interests of the breed above any personal gain or profit.
  • To be honest in advertising and record keeping/registration of stock.
  • To familiarize myself with the Pygmy Goat Breed Standard and to use it as a guide in breeding and evaluating pygmy goats.

Important Notice

The new pygmy goat society that has been recently set up has no connection whatsoever with the Pygmy Goat Club which remains, as it always has been since its foundation in 1982, the official body for the breed in Great Britain. The Club manages the only recognized registration system for pedigree Pygmy Goats.

Copyright of the PGC Logo is held by the PGC National Committee. Use of the Logo by any person or organisation is not permitted without the written consent of the Committee.