When do I need to renew my membership? Renewals are due by 1st January every year as the Membership Year is January 1st to December 31st.
Will I receive a reminder & membership renewal form ? Please look out for the Reminder and Membership Renewal Form in the December issue of ‘Pygmy Goat Notes’.
Do I need to send in a renewal form ? Please send in a renewal form each year as it enables us to keep your contact details up to date, helps to identify your payment if made by Bank Transfer or Standing Order and provides additional information e.g. contact preferences for GDPR and whether or not you wish to be included on the Breeders List.
How can I find out my Membership Number ? You can find your membership number from - a. your “Pygmy Goat Notes” envelope or address label , b. the Herdbook entry for goats registered to you as owner or breeder, c. membership correspondence i.e. emails and letters or by d. contacting the Membership Secretary.
Will I receive a new membership card annually ? You will receive your Membership Card when you join the Club only and it is not reissued annually.
Will I receive a copy of the Members’ Handbook every year ? You will receive a copy of the Members’ Handbook when you join and whenever the Handbook is updated and reissued; the last reissue was in 2018.
How can I check if I have renewed my membership ? Where possible an acknowledgement of your renewal and payment will be sent by email. You will receive the March edition of Pygmy Goat Notes and the additional editions for the year. If you are in doubt, please contact the Membership Secretary to check.