1. The person registering must be a current member of the Pygmy Goat Club.
2. They must first have registered a Herd Name with the Registration Officer (Herd Name to consist of a single word of no more than 10 letters)
3. Only goats bred by the owner can carry that persons Herd Name/Prefix.
4. The name of the goat to be limited to one word with a maximum of 10 letters, plus the prefix if appropriate.
5. Registration application forms can be obtained either from the Registration Officer or downloaded from the PGC Website.
6. Current fees for Registration/Transfer/HerdName etc can be found in the 'forms' section of the website or inside each issue of Notes.
Completed forms can be posted to the Registration Officer or complete BAC payment and online submission of forms e-mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
7. The completed application form must be accompanied by two clear colour photographs, one of either side (profile) of the goat. For entire males a video must also accompany the application form. Ear tag/tattoo number should also be given.
8. In the event of a multiple birth, where you may wish to register kids at different times, you must give details in the space provided on each registration form of any other (additional) kids born from the same mating for which you may apply to register at a later date. Failure to do this may result in refusal of the subsequent application.
9. There is no upper age limit for registration other than for showing purposes where males must be registered by 12 months of age and females by 6 months. Males can only be registered at 6 months of age onwards, after going through a process of assessment by Judges.
Service Certificates.
10. Books of service certificates are obtainable either from the Registration Officer or can be downloaded individually from the PGC Website.
11. In order to register kids in the Herd Book a Service Certificate is required UNLESS the person registering the goat was the owner of the sire at the time of service. Failure to provide a service certificate will result in refusal of registration.
12. Where a stud male is loaned out for stud purposes, the owner of the male must either issue the person loaning the male with an appropriate number of signed service certificates OR write to the Registration Officer notifying him/her that the male will be standing at the new addressand giving permission for the borrower to sign and issue service certificates for that male.
13. It is the responsibility of the SELLER to pay for and implement the transfer of ownership.
14. Kids may be transferred direct to the new owners at the time of registration (no transfer fee to pay) but transfer of ownership cannot be backdated i.e where kids are sold pending their registration the transfer will be dated from the date the registration is received not the date they were sold.
Duplicate registration certificates.
15. If a registration certificate is lost or destroyed it can be replaced at the discretion of the Registration Officer. A photograph of the goat will be required and a fee of £3.00 will be charged for each replacement certificate.
Note: Goats in the Pet Record section can never have progeny registered in the Herd Book.
© Pygmy Goat Club 2021