The Royal Cheshire County Show
WEDNESDAY 22nd june 2022

Judge: Mr Martin Alvis


Junior Handlers 5-10 years (5 entries, 5 forward)
1st Holly Moore age 6
2nd Scarlett Hotham age 10
3rd Lily Rose Moore age 10
4th Alicia Mitchell age 10

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1st, 2nd & 3rd Junior Handlers 5-10 years

Junior Handlers 11-16 years (3 entries, 3 forward)
1st Jessica Hotham age 14
2nd Finlay Armstead age 15
3rd Mason Mitchell age 12

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1st, 2nd & 3rd Junior Handlers 11-16 years


Pets 8 wks-1yr (3 entries, 3 forward)
1st Bonny, Margery Mitchell
2nd Bobby, Margery Mitchell
3rd Bettie, Margery Mitchell


1st, 2nd & 3rd Pets 8 wks-1yr 

Pets 1-2yrs (2 entries, 2 forward)
1st Browtop Kevin, Emma Armstead
2nd Jessie, Margery Mitchell

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1st & 2nd Pets 1-2yrs 

Pets 2yrs and over (6 entries, 6 forward)
1st Dreamers Nancy, Tracey Cater & Paul Hemming
2nd Alwena Rhodri, Wendy & Robert Kinsey
3rd Dreamers Nell, Tracey Cater & Paul Hemming
4th Beano, Margery Mitchell


1st, 2nd & 3rd Pets  2yrs and over 

BEST PET: Dreamers Nancy


Reserve Best Pet                  Best Pet                 


Female Kid 8 wks-1yr (10 entries, 10 forward)
1st Willowbrae Lyric, Clare & Ed Franklin
2nd Reddawn Luna, Dawn Abbott & Dan Hotham
3rd Reddawn Lexi, Dawn Abbott & Dan Hotham
4th Birkrigg Aphra, Frances Mullin


1st, 2nd & 3rd Female Kids

Goatling 1-2yrs
A Class (8 entries, 7 forward)
1st Willowbrae Fleur, Clare & Ed Franklin
2nd Reddawn Kosmo, Dawn Abbott & Dan Hotham
3rd Reddawn Kitty, Dawn Abbott & Dan Hotham
4th Willowbrae Lola, Clare & Ed Franklin


1st, 2nd & 3rd Goatlings in Class A

B Class (8 entries, 7 forward)
1st Minnimoore Olive, Rachel & Tom Moore
2nd Alwena HoniCarmel, Wendy & Robert Kinsey
3rd Alwena Alwena, Wendy & Robert Kinsey
4th Willowbrae Honeycloud, Clare & Ed Franklin


1st, 2nd & 3rd Goatlings in Class B

Overall Goatling Winners
1st Minnimoore Olive
2nd Alwena HoniCarmel
3rd Willowbrae Fleur
4th Reddawn Kosmo


Overall 1st, 2nd & 3rd Goatlings 


1st Goatling                                             2nd Goatling 

Adult Females 2-6yrs
A Class (10 entries, 9 forward)
1st Reddawn Infinity, Dawn Abbott & Dan Hotham
2nd Alwena Hafina, Wendy & Robert Kinsey
3rd Dreamers Gogo, Tracey Cater & Paul Hemming
4th Minimoore Petal, Rachel & Tom Moore


1st, 2nd & 3rd Adult Females in Class A

B Class (10 entries, 10 forward)
1st Birkrigg Haleth, Frances Mullin
2nd Willowbrae Olive, Clare & Ed Franklin
3rd Penrhiw Eloise, Tracey Cater & Paul Hemming
4th Alwena Aeronwy, Wendy & Robert Kinsey


1st, 2nd & 3rd Adult Females in Class B

Overall Adult Female Winners
1st Reddawn Infinity
2nd Birkrigg Haleth
3rd Alwena Hafina
4th Willowbrae Olive

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Overall 1st, 2nd & 3rd Adult Females

Veteran Females 7yrs and over (6 entries, 6 forward)
1st Alwena Morwenna, Wendy & Robert Kinsey
2nd Larkfield Rosemary, Clare & Ed Franklin
3rd Alwena Magdalen, Wendy & Robert Kinsey
4th Alwena Hirwaena, Wendy & Robert Kinsey


1st, 2nd & 3rd Veteran Females

Male Kids 8 wks-1yr (8 entries, 8 forward)
1st Browtop Lancelot, Emma Armstead
2nd Willowbrae Honeystorm, Clare & Ed Franklin
3rd Reddawn Luxor, Dawn Abbott & Dan Hotham
4th Willowbrae Lester, Clare & Ed Franklin


1st, 2nd & 3rd Male Kids

Bucklings 1-2yrs (3 entries, 3 forward)
1st Willowbrae Maverick, Dawn Abbott & Dan Hotham
2nd Willowbrae Dougal, Clare & Ed Franklin
3rd Tymeantyde Gavin, Margery Mitchell


1st, 2nd & 3rd Bucklings

Adult Males 2-6yrs (11 entries, 11 forward)
1st Willowbrae Fergus, Clare & Ed Franklin
2nd Barhams Mill Stanley, Clare & Ed Franklin
3rd Sunnymount Quentin, Tracey Cater & Paul Hemming
4th Alwena Hafwyn, Wendy & Robert Kinsey


1st, 2nd & 3rd Adult Males

Veteran Males 0 entries

Sire & Progeny (5 entries, 4 forward)
1st Barhams Mill Stanley, Clare & Ed Franklin
2nd Alwena Tudur II, Wendy & Robert Kinsey
3rd Barhams Mill Blackthorn, Rachel & Tom Moore
4th Moorminis HoneyHugo, Samantha Reid


1st Sire & Progeny

Dam & Offspring (7 entries, 7 forward)
1st Larkfield Rosemary, Clare & Ed Franklin
2nd Alwena Hirwaena, Wendy & Robert Kinsey
3rd Birkrigg Phoebe, Frances Mullin
4th Minimoore Ivy, Rachel & Tom Moore


1st Dam & Offspring

BEST KID: Browtop Lancelot
RESERVE KID: Willowbrae Lyric


Best Kid             Reserve Best Kid

BEST FEMALE: Alwena Morwenna
RESERVE FEMALE: Reddawn Infinity


Reserve Best Female           Best Female

BEST MALE: Willowbrae Fergus
RESERVE MALE: Willowbrae Maverick


Reserve Best Male            Best Male  


BEST IN SHOW: Alwena Morwenna
RESERVE BEST IN SHOW: Willowbrae Fergus


Best In Show                Reserve Best In Show

The YVONJEAN TROPHY was presented by Mr Maurice Brown to Clare and Ed Franklin for the most points won in the Breed Section.


*Photographs by Mr Martin Alvis and Mr Dan Hotham (Goatling & Adult Female classes)